Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) is a public university established in 1972 pursuing teaching, research and community service activities. CIES-IUL is a research unit of ISCTE-IUL, rated as Excellent through the international evaluations carried out by FCT. In 2012 it had 268 researchers of which 109 PhDs and 59 PhD students, and 54 projects in progress. Its main scientific areas are sociology and public policy, but it also develops relevant activity in political science, communication sciences, educational sciences, urban studies and social work, funded through competitive national and European calls. CIES-IUL offers PhDs in sociology, public policy, communication sciences and social work; publishes the journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas and owns the publisher Mundos Sociais.

Jorge Manuel Leitão Ferreira
Steering Committee. Theoretical and methodological training development/implementation
Jorge Leitão Ferreira is Assistant Professor of ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. He is the Director of the Social Work PhD Program. His main areas of research include at the theoretical level the investigation on Social Work with a focus on epistemology, theory of social and interdisciplinary knowledge. In the applied research area he is specialized in social work practices in institutional contexts; community and family work with the children; youth, family, and adult social vulnerability; social protection and social policies.

Pablo Álvarez-Pérez
ICT Committee. Theoretical and methodological training development/implementation
Assistant Professor of ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. Researcher of CIES – IUL. Social Work Erasmus Coordinator and ECTS Coordinator for the Department of Political Science and Public Policy. He received his PHD at the University of Huelva (Spain) in the Department of Sociology and Social Work, on the theme: Intercultural couples and mixed marriages. Research Domains: Immigration, Interculturalism, Superdiversity, Mixed Couples, Cultural Heritage in Children; Social Work, Human Rights, Community Development, Social Housing and Social Exclusion.

Maria João Barroso Pena
Scientific Committee. Theoretical and methodological training development/implementation
Maria João Barros (PhD in Social Work) is the Director of the Bachelor Degree in Social Work and she teaches in the Master and in the PhD program. She is a researcher in CIES-IUL (Centre for research and studies in Sociology). Her research interests include Theory and Epistemology of social work, social work practices with children and families, social work in the education environment and disability issues.

Maria Inês Amaro
Theoretical and methodological training development/implementation
Maria Inês Amaro is PhD in Social Work and MA in Communication, Culture and Information Technology. Professor at the bachelor, master and doctorate in Social Work at University Institute of Lisbon. She is director of the Master in Social Work, at the University Institute of Lisbon, and coordinated Social Work Bachelor and Master degree at the Catholic University of Portugal. She is researcher at the CIES-IUL, and reviewer of UCE (Catholic University Press) and international journals for Social Work publications. She is founding member of the European Association for Social Work Research. Her research interests include the areas of theory and practice of Social Work, Social Policy and Social Work, Society and Technology and Labour and Social Exclusion. She is consultant in the area of social planning and evaluation.

Maria Júlia Cardoso
Theoretical and methodological training development/implementation
PhD in Social Work. She is invited Assistant Professor. Her research areas include History of Social Work; Social Policy and Social Action in Local Context; Aging and Social Care; Ethics in Social Intervention; Social accountability.

Carla Salema
Administrative/Financial issues and implementation staff member
Accounting Support for the T@SK Project. She works in the field of project management at the Center for Research and Sociology Studies (ESPP), where she follows the development of the projects from the submission to the budget supervision.