Associated partners

Casa Pia de Lisboa
CASA PIA DE LISBOA is a public institute whose mission is to promote the rights and protection of children and young people, especially those who are in danger and at risk of exclusion and with special educational needs, in order to ensure their development through the reception, education, training and social and professional insertion. Its action focuses on inclusive learning paths, considering the reception as transient and the return to the family environment as the center of institutional intervention, prolonged schooling, initial training qualifying dual certification and the relevance of intervention with deaf and deafblind students.
Colegio Oficial de Trabajo Social de Madrid
The Regional Association of Social Workers in Madrid is a public law corporation that represents and defends the interests of workers and social workers in the Community of Madrid, which promotes professional improvement and orders the correct exercise of the profession to guarantee the rights of citizens. During the activities of the T@sk Project it will contribute to the dissemination of the project among social workers.
Comune di Firenze
The Social Service Direction of Florence Municipality as associated partner of T@sk Project helps in the connection between the University level and the Social Service level. Best practice to be visited by the BPs during their training activities in Florence. Model proposal for successful Internship by Social Work Students of the University of Florence.
Foro Tecnico de Formacion
The Technical Forum of Education was founded in 2000. Its role in T@sk Project is Long life learning activities in support to the ICT development of Universidad Complutense Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social (P2). Long lasting experience in develop training plans for public organization of non-profit service and care facilities for dependent persons.
Mary Ward Loreto Foundation
Mary Ward Loreto Foundation (MWL) is a non-profit organization providing development programmes for vulnerable communities in Albania. The focus of all of the work of Mary Ward Loreto is related to the work against human trafficking. The organization forms partnerships and networks, working with 10 main groups: women in rural and informal regions of Albania, direct action with victims of trafficking, groups from all over Albania raising awareness with those who are vulnerable to being trafficked, Roma children, vulnerable youth, men in poverty, European Network Against Trafficking, pastoral support in prisons and the education project.
Ministry of Justice
During the scheduled visits and workshops in Florence, the Department of juvenile justice and community and the Interdistrict Department of external criminal execution in cooperation with the University of Florence will provide to the Albanian teachers some key activities: from the analytical description of the institutional role played by the Department in the Italian Probation System to a set of guided visits to the different seats of the institution in Florence; from the description of the activities performed towards the targets of the project (children and detained people) to the description of the Social Work University students’ traineeships activities within the organization.
Municipality of Elbasan
The role in the activities of T@sk Project is the connection between the University level and the Social Service level. Best practice to be visited by the MPs and Bps during their training activities in Elbasan. Proposal for Internship by Social Work Students of the Universities of Tirana and Elbasan.
Municipality of Shkodra
The Municipality of Shkoder Department of Social Services covers the Sub-Sections referring to Women Rights, Children’s Services, Housing Services (Social Sheltering of vulnerable categories), Health and People with disabilities and has a number of total staff 20 specialists (social workers, psychologist, specialists in HR human rights, etc.). The mission of the Department of Social Services stands for improving the overall welfare of the city’s residents and improving the social equality within the city, while respecting the unique cultural differences.
National Association of Education for Life
Within T@sk Project training sessions and meetings, the National Association of Education for Life (Shoqata Kombetare Edukim per Jeten) will provide a wide range of activities directed to the Albanian University teachers: from the a analytical description of the institutional role played to guided visits to the different seats of the Institution; from capacity building on the supervision of the students in the organization of field practice to description of Social Work University students traineeship and of the activities performed by the Institution towards the targets involved in the project (children and detained people).
Refraction Association
Refraction Association (Shoqata Perthyerje) is an NGO oriented to the defense of human rights and to support of marginality: from the psychophysical problems of detainees to mental illness. Setting these goals, it organizes workshops and actions for the promotion of policies and reforms / applications of the legislation mainly in the field of respect for human rights and mental health care treatment.
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa
The purpose of SCML is to improve people’s well-being, as a priority for the most unprotected, covering the provision of social action, health, education and education, culture and promotion of quality of life, in accordance with Christian tradition and works Of their original commitment and their secular activities in favor of the community, as well as the promotion, support and execution of activities aimed at innovation, quality and security in the rendering of services, as well as the development of initiatives in the field of the social economy.
The Door
The Door was founded with the support of Norwegian Aid organization (Norsk Nodhjelp) in 1996. With the changes and adaptation to the new law, The Door was re-registered as a support centre in the Tirana District Court with a decision number 123/1 by date 20. 04. 2007. Since the beginning of its activity The Door has always worked by focusing on children and their families: it has been an open door for all people and institutions in need in the district of Shkodra, in the north of Albania.
VIRCAMP is an international network for teaching, assessment, development and research. It will contribute to the dissemination of the project at international level. It started in 2002 as the first Virtual Classroom for Social Work in Europe. From October 2010 the new SW-VirCamp Consortium was established and based on partners’ contribution by an administrative fee to the leading institution and shared work agreement for teaching, assessment, development and research. These are the 3 pillars of the SW-VirCamp Consortium.

Conferencia De Decanos, Decanas, Directores Y Directoras De Trabajo Social De La Universidad Española – Madrid (ES)
The denomination of Conferencia Española de Decanos y Decanas y Directores y Directoras de Centros y Departamentos Universitarios de Trabajo Social, indicates the institution to which all Spanish universities that teach the Degree in Social Work can belong. The Universities will be represented by the Deans or Deans, Directors or Directors of the centers where the Degree in Social Work is taught and by the Directors or Directors of Departments where the teaching staff of the area of Social Work and Social Services are included or by any center and department representative established by the university.

European Association School Of Social Work – Maastricht (NL)
The European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) brings together over 300 different schools, universities and tertiary education institutions supporting social work education. EASSW promotes the development of social work education throughout Europe; develops standards to enhance quality of social work education; encourages international exchange; provides forums for sharing social work research and scholarship.

Consejo General Trabajo Social – Madrid (ES)
The General Council of Social Work is the representative, coordinating and executive body of the 36 Official Social Work Colleges in the state territory that group a total of 40,000 members and colleges; in addition it promotes the defence of the social rights of citizens. The General Council of Social Work joins the International Federation of Social Work (FITS).