First Consolidation Training in Florence

The first T@sk Consolidation Training will be held in Florence: June 25st – 29th 2019.  

After the successful conclusion of the first part of the training sessions held in Albania, a new phase is about to start!

In June 2019 (25th -29th) the first consolidation training will take place in Florence. This training session will consist in an empirical update on the on field application of the principles of Social Services. A range of selected best practices will be visisted in the cities of Florence (June 2019), Lisbon (December 2019) and Madrid (April 2020).

Visits to the Social Services structures and interviews with the Social Workers will be combined with a reflection on the structure of the selected organizations, on the professional profile of the Social Workers and on the replicability of the Italian, Portuguese and Spanish experiences in Albania.
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